By Diane Harris, HQ Stitch Brand Ambassador

Earlier this month I blogged about my UFOs. In case you’re not familiar with this term, it’s how quilters describe their UnFinished Objects—projects begun but not finished. Most of us have them.

I made this top as part of a staff challenge when I worked for a quilting magazine. It’s still just a top.

I continue to reorganize areas of my sewing space and I continue to find UFOs. Today I bought a few more plastic storage bins.

I started this Patches and Pinwheels in scrappy Japanese taupe fabrics because I wanted to sew in an interesting neutral palette. Still just blocks.

They’re actually sweater boxes and they fit nicely into my studio cupboards. I’ve completely cleaned out two banks of cupboards and I have one more to go.

These Asterisk blocks designed by Karen Griska are easy and addictive. I got carried away and made a lot. An awful lot. Still just blocks.

Then, eventually, I must tackle the closet. And there are a few other areas, too. It’s great to have a generous quilting space but I have a hunch that however large or small your sewing area is, you can fill it up without even trying.

I think this was also part of a staff challenge but I can’t remember for sure. Fabrics by Denyse Schmidt. Still just a top.

What puzzles me the most is why I have so many UFOs. It’s not like I don’t finish any quilts. I have made easily in the hundreds. But in between those finished quilts are many, many unfinished ones.

I thought this was a fun pattern but it never went further than this top. Needs another border and then needs to be quilted.

A friend asked me today why I had them. And the truth is that I do not know. Maybe after a few blocks I lost interest. Or maybe it was more that I became more interested in the next quilt, so that the last quilt languished.

Cute basket blocks that never became anything. Still just blocks. 😔

I know that sometimes I didn’t want to face the quilting. I wonder if, when the piecing was almost done, I just folded it away in whatever state so that I wouldn’t have to think about the part where my skills are weakest. Machine quilting is challenging and I’m not as good at it as I’d like to be.

Do you have UFOs? Do they bother you? Do you know why you didn’t finish them? I’d love to hear your thoughts. And trust me, there is no judgment here. I am thinking that I might be the Queen of UFOs. Not necessarily a title I wanted to hold.

Quilt on,
