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What Describes You?!

By Diane Harris, HQ Stitch Brand Ambassador I hope you've noticed the personalities that Handi Quilter has featured in our And I Quilt campaign. I've enjoyed seeing the different walks of life. Jan Yancey is a painter and a designer. Dorien Keusseyan is a hockey player and a mom. Jeresther Thorpe-Page is a school principal [...]

2020-02-25T13:26:27-07:00February 25th, 2020|Ideas and Inspiration, Uncategorized|1 Comment

The Quilters’ Survey

Every few years, several companies in the quilt world sponsor "The Quilters' Survey." It's your opportunity to share your thoughts about your hobby, passion and practice. The results provide valuable information about quilting and quilt makers to the industry as a whole. Whether you're male or female, piecer by hand or machine, on a longarm [...]

2020-02-21T11:05:51-07:00February 21st, 2020|Uncategorized|0 Comments

You and Your Walking Foot

By Diane Harris, HQ Stitch Brand Ambassador I finished piecing a large quilt top over the weekend and made two receiving blankets for a newborn. I used a walking foot for both tasks which made things go smoothly. This post is to help you understand what a walking foot is and when you should use [...]

Imperfection, Made with Love

By Diane Harris, HQ Stitch Brand Ambassador On Saturday I made a quick mini quilt for my great-niece who turns 13 next week. It started out with a piece of indigo blue fabric I bought several years ago, on which a bunny had been created with a resist. It was about 10" x 12". I [...]

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